This is going to be a very short blog post, but hopefully it will provide an easier intro for the (network) engineers that want to get started with Salt to leverage its superpowers for network automation.

One of the easiest approaches is using Docker - even though you may not know a lot about containers yet, just executing some commands should set up everything for you.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • A container for the Salt Master.
  • One container for each device managed.

The Salt Master container

It is a good practice to ensure that there is no version mismatch between the Master and the Minions connected. So I built an image which you can use and start a container for the Salt Master. The image is available at mirceaulinic/salt-master and can be used straight away:

$ docker run -d --name salt-master -it mirceaulinic/salt-master:2017.7.5

Executing this command, it starts a new container identified by the name salt-master and ID 76cdde4d645de7471451b882d1299933eb73bab390db3d6d65ff774a83c58364 (or 76cdde4d645d). And now you have a Salt Master running on your machine.

To get into the container for the Salt Master you can execute:

$ docker exec -it salt-master bash

The Salt Proxy Minion containers

As mentioned above, for each device we aim to manage we need a separate container started.. Similarly, I have already prepared another Docker image (mirceaulinic/salt-proxy) which again can just be used:

$ docker run -d --name proxy-device1 -e PROXYID=device1 -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -it mirceaulinic/salt-proxy:2017.7.5

The command above, when executed, will start a container with the name proxy-device1 using the image mirceaulinic/salt-proxy:2017.7.5 to which we send the environment variables PROXYID, which is the ID of the Proxy Minion running in this Docker container (which many be different than the name of the container itself), and LEVEL_LOG - optional - is the logging level. If you are starting to play with the Salt Proxy for the very first time, you may want to have the logging level set to debug to see the entire output. The logged messages can be checked using docker logs <container name or ID>, e.g., docker logs device or docker logs 507a07aebd95.

The very easy way

Even though they’re simple, executing these commands manually ain’t fun, which is why Docker created Docker Compose to manage multiple containers.

In this scope I created a Docker Compose file, which not only that will start the containers you want, but also mount the files required for each:

version: '2.1'

    image: mirceaulinic/salt-master:2017.7.5
    hostname: salt-master
    container_name: salt-master
      - LOG_LEVEL
      - ./master:/etc/salt/master
      - ./pillar/:/etc/salt/pillar/
      - ./states/:/etc/salt/states/
    image: mirceaulinic/salt-proxy:2017.7.5
    hostname: ${PROXYID}
    container_name: salt-proxy-${PROXYID}
      - ./proxy:/etc/salt/proxy
      - LOG_LEVEL
      - PROXYID
      - salt-master

Executing the Docker Compose file above (e.g., docker-compose up -d), it will start two containers, and it will mount the volumes for the Pillar, States, and the master/proxy configuration file. The Proxy Minion container requires the PROXYID environment variable, so the easiest way to send it to the container in the case would be thorugh a Makefile:

    docker-compose up -d

I put all of these (including the Dockerfiles for the Master and the Proxy Minion) in a GitHub repository which you can clone and start playing with Salt just straight away:

$ git clone [email protected]:mirceaulinic/salt-netdev-docker.git && cd salt-netdev-docker

Inside the salt-netdev-docker we only need to execute the Makefile, passing the PROXYID variable with the ID of the Minion we want to start:

$ make PROXYID=dummy
docker-compose up -d
Creating salt-proxy-dummy ...
Creating salt-master ...
Creating salt-proxy-dummy
Creating salt-master ... done

Executing the command above, it will start a container for the Master and another one for the dummy Proxy, as configured in the docker-compose file (service salt-master and salt-proxy, respectively). As defined into the dummy_pillar.sls Pillar SLS file, the dummy Proxy will use the dummy Proxy module , specially designed for testing.

We can notice that the containers are up and running:

$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND                   CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
180efa8f962b        mirceaulinic/salt-master:2017.7.5   "/bin/sh -c \"/usr/..."   35 minutes ago      Up 35 minutes       4505-4506/tcp       salt-master
1659f0ed5f23        mirceaulinic/salt-proxy:2017.7.5    "/bin/sh -c \"/usr/..."   35 minutes ago      Up 35 minutes                           salt-proxy-dummy

To check that everything works well, we can get into the Master container and execute a test state:

$ docker exec -it salt-master bash
root@salt-master:/# salt dummy state.apply test
          ID: Yay it works
    Function: test.succeed_without_changes
      Result: True
     Comment: Success!
     Started: 11:57:21.295204
    Duration: 0.76 ms

Summary for dummy
Succeeded: 1
Failed:    0
Total states run:     1
Total run time:   0.760 ms
root@salt-master:/# %

The test state SLS is defined in the same repository, under the states directory, mounted to the container: (as defined in the Docker Compose file).

One important detail to keep in mind is that Docker Compose by default will create a dedicated network for the project (the project name defaulting to the directory name). In this case, as the directory name is salt-netdev-docker (if cloned from my repo), the network will be named saltnetdevdocker_default using the bridge driver. To be able to communicate externally, and manage devices from elsewhere, you may want to read the Docker Compose Networking documentation and eventually configure other network(s) depending on your own use case.

Additionally, remember to update the Pillar Top file (found under pillar/top.sls) before starting a container for a Proxy Minion with another ID than dummy, as well as the appropriate Pillar SLS file(s). The dependencies for NAPALM are already installed into the salt-proxy image, so you should be able to start a NAPALM as well as a Junos Proxy Minion.

I put these together hoping to ease the first steps when getting started with Salt. While my playground may equally be used in a production environment (up to an extent), I definitely enourage you to consider disabling the open_mode before doing so, as well as other security aspects. As always, you are welcome hit me up on Twitter, or on the networktocode and SaltStack Community Slack channels.