Salt is currently one of the largely adopted automating frameworks, and perhaps one of the most complete and flexible. But these - including support for several architectures, large cardinal of native capabilities and features, ability to easily extend it in your own environment, and so on - come with a cost. The cost is setting up and maintaining an infrastructure to facilitate and leverage these capabilities.

In the networking space, Salt has had native support for automating networks beginning with release 2016.11.0 (codename Carbon) and these have been continuously expanded since, now covering a considerable number of platforms - either through NAPALM (and the available community drivers), or various others natively integrated modules. Network gear is generally managed through Proxy Minions, which is a derivative of regular Salt Minion allowing to manage the targeted device remotely. Let’s make one step back: as you may know very well already, a regular Minion is a service managing the machine it is running on; but the issue here is that you generally cannot install and run custom software on legacy network gear, therefore you cannot install the regular Minion on the network device and manage it like that. That said, the remaining solution was to create a different flavour of this regular Minion, which is called Proxy Minion, that is a process capable to run anywhere connecting to the targeted device through an API or SSH (i.e., NETCONF, gRPC, HTTP API, etc.). The problems arise when you find out that for every device you want to automate, you have to spin up one Proxy Minion process. While this isn’t terribly complicated, it does require a certain degree of knowledge how to do this; in fact, I have previously elaborated on this topic in a previous blog post, Network automation using Salt for large scale deployments. In that blog post I tried to highlight that it is not that complicated, although I do agree that it sometimes might be pointless to have an always running a process: it does make sense when you manage a network device that is in a more dynamic network (say an edge router that you update the configuration frequently, or run operational commands many times a day, or susceptible to generate a high number of events per second that require interaction; in cases like that it’s probably a bad idea to re-establish a separate connection - especially when it’s over SSH - every 5 minutes or even more frequent than that). But it certainly doesn’t make sense when your target is less dynamic or almost statical environments: think, for example, of a service provider that only touches the CPEs every few months / years, or the console servers, and many other examples.

I’m very glad that after years of looking into this problem, I’ve finally found the solution. Today, I’m very excited to announce the salt-sproxy package.

Most importantly, you don’t need to learn how to use another framework, but the same Salt methodologies that have been around for many years already, with the experience of being run in thousands of environments and providing thousands of features ready to use, out of the box.


salt-sproxy is an agentless approach to automation, while still using Salt, but without requiring Proxy or regular Minions. It is a plugin, extending Salt, so you can continue to benefit from the scalability, extensibility and flexibility of Salt, while you don’t have to manage thousands of (Proxy) Minion services.

I’ll firstly present what it does and then we’ll take a look at how to use. The core idea is that salt-sproxy creates a subprocess for every device matching the target executing the requested Salt function. Under each subprocess it’s running a lightweight version of the Proxy Minion - that is, the regular Proxy Minion start up, including compiling the Pillar, collecting the Grains, but without other components that wouldn’t make sense in this case, i.e., Engines, Beacons, Scheduler etc. In short, it pretty much only establishes the connection to the remote network device, over the API of choice, then invokes the function you requested; as soon as the execution of the Salt function is finished, it closes the connection and terminates the subprocess.

salt-sproxy can be very well installed on an existing Master, or even on your personal computer, as it only requires one thing: be able to connect to the network device from where you run it. Not only that you don’t require any Proxy Minions always running, but you don’t actually need a Salt Master either. It’s as easy as that: install and use. It is available on PyPI so you can just go ahead and execute pip install salt-sproxy to install.

The usage is fairly simple, very similar to the syntax of the usual salt command:

$ salt-sproxy <target> <function> [<arguments>] [<options>]


  • target is the target expression to select what devices to execute the command on. E.g., edge1.atlanta, edge*.paris (to select all the edge routers in the Paris area), etc.
  • function: the Salt function to execute. There are several hundreds of Salt functions natively available. You can start exploring from here.
  • arguments: arguments to be passed to the Salt function, if required. See the documentation for each function for usage details and examples.
  • options: options for the salt-sproxy command. See here the available options, or execute salt-sproxy --help on the CLI.

For example, the following command would retrieve the ARP table from the device identified as edge1.thn.lon:

$ salt-sproxy edge1.thn.lon net.arp

To have the above work fine, you will need to have the pillar_roots correctly configured into the Master configuration file (even though you may not run a Salt Master process) – typically /etc/salt/master. In that file you specify the paths to where Salt should load the Pillars from (or what External Pillars to use to pull the data). Everything you know remains the exact same: you need to have the proxy key into the Pillar providing the proxytype along with the connection credentials, as well as a Pillar top.sls file, etc. – the only change is that you don’t need to start any Proxy processes, and the usage syntax is slightly different.

To use a different Salt configuration file, you can specify it using the -c option, e.g.,

$ salt-sproxy edge1.thn.lon net.arp -c /path/to/salt/config/dir

With this command, it’ll try to load the configuration from /path/to/salt/config/dir/master.

The good news here is that (almost) everything is exactly preserved to what you are already used to, and you can, e.g., use the Returner interface to forward the data into a different system, write the returned output into a file, or display the data on the CLI in the format you want, and so on, e.g.,

$ salt-sproxy edge1.thn.lon net.lldp --out=json --out-file=/home/mircea/lldp.json

The previous example would save the LLDP neighbours in a JSON format, in a file found at /home/mircea/lldp.json.

It works in exactly the same way when you’re pushing a configuration change, for example, through the net.load_config, net.load_template functions, as well as state.apply or state.highstate to apply States or Highstates, respectively.

Another great point - which is particularly important to me - is being able to invoke the custom extension function you define in your own environment. For example, let’s consider the example.version function defined in the previous post on Extending NAPALM’s capabilities in the Salt environment:

$ salt-sproxy juniper-router example.version

To be able to load your custom modules, as explained in the blog post, you would need to have the correct configuration for the file_roots. The (positive) difference is that you won’t need to call saltutil.sync_modules before calling your function, as everything is loaded on run time.

Quick start

Let’s start with something very easy and use the dummy Proxy Minion to connect to the local machine; we have the following configuration:

  • The Master configuration file:


    - /etc/salt/pillar
  • The Pillar Top file:


    - dummy
  • The dummy Pillar:


  proxytype: dummy

To check that the Pillar is correctly setup, execute (you don’t need a Master running for this):

$ salt-run pillar.show_pillar minion1

With this configuration, you can go ahead and run:

$ salt-sproxy minion1

As you can see, the dummy minion1 is now usable without having to start up a dedicated Proxy process for this. In the same way, you’re now able to execute any other Salt function, for example pip.list which would display the list of the installed PIP-managed Python packages on the local computer (or wherever you’re executing salt-sproxy on).

If you prefer a visual of this example, take a look at the following capture:

The same methodology can then be applied for connecting to network gear through your Proxy module of choice. For example, napalm; update the Pillar and Top file accordingly:


    - junos
    - eos


  proxytype: napalm
  driver: junos
  hostname: hostname-or-fqdn
  username: your-username
  password: your-password

Similarly it is a good idea to check using salt-run pillar.show_pillar juniper-router that the Pillar is indeed correctly defined, then you’re good to go, e.g.,

  • Retrieve the ARP table of juniper-router:
$ salt-sproxy juniper-router net.arp
  • Load a configuration change:
$ salt-sproxy juniper-router net.load_config text='set system ntp server'
        [edit system]
        +   ntp {
        +       server;
        +   }

I have prepared a CLI capture for this example as well, which you can watch below:

As promised, the methodology remains the same, without the headache of managing thousands of always running processes.

Does it work only with NAPALM?

No. You can use any of the available Proxy modules in the exact same way. The salt-sproxy relies on the Proxy modules to initiate the connection, but it doesn’t require the Proxy process to be running. If you have a device that isn’t currently supported by Salt natively, just write a Proxy module for it - see this guide: put the module into the salt://_proxy directory, and then make sure that the module is referenced in the proxytype: Pillar field. If you’re unsure what salt://_proxy means, please check this article again.

Suppose we write a custom Proxy module, e.g., which we put under /srv/salt/extmods/_proxy. Then, to use it, when targeting a device, e.g., some-device, in the Pillar you’ll need to have the following structure:

  proxytype: customproxy
  ~~~ connection credentials ~~~

To check that the data is indeed available for the some-device Minion, you can always run the following command:

$ salt-run pillar.show_pillar some-device

Then you should be all set to give it a go:

$ salt-sproxy some-device

I am not going to detail on this further, but you can follow the notes from this guide with the minor differences for salt-sproxy described above.

In the exact same way, you can use any of the natively available Proxy modules and manage your VMWare ESXi, Chronos cluster, Bluecoat SSL Decryption devices, and many others.

So what’s the catch?

Does it sound too good to be true? Well, it is that good, and there isn’t any catch. It might not be immediately obvious what are the implications and the benefits to using this methodology, but it made me very happy when I’ve been able to put this together.

There are some differences however, that you should be aware of. The usual salt command when executing, spreads out a job to all the connected Minions, and those that match the target are going to reply. As salt-sproxy, by design, doesn’t have any Minions connected (as they are not running), it won’t be aware of what Minions should match your target. For this reasoning, it needs some “help”. Salt already has had a subsystem named Salt SSH which works in a similar way, i.e., manage a remote system without having a Minion process up and running, connecting to the device over SSH. If interested, you can read more about Salt SSH here.

Due to this similarity, the Salt SSH system has the same limitation which made me think: “then why not have the same solution?”. So I borrowed the Roster interface from Salt SSH, which is another pluggable Salt interface, which provides a list of devices and their connection credentials, given a specific target. In order words, you sometimes might have more complex targets that a single device or a list (e.g., you can have a regular expression – edge{1,2}.thn.*) and so on; in that case, you’d need a Roster. There are several Roster modules available natively, and you can explore them here.

At the end of the day, it is the same methodology with other well know automation tools such as Ansible where you have to provide an inventory with all the devices it should be aware of. I will provide an usage example in the following paragraph, using the Ansible Roster module.

Migrating from Ansible to Salt and salt-sproxy

I’ve seen a lot Ansible users that were interested to migrate to Salt, however the radically different mentality that you need to adopt (including the always running processes) was a blocker for many. Hopefully this should no longer be the case anymore. If you’re already an Ansible user, salt-sproxy should make it even easier to migrate to Salt.

As briefly presented above, to be able to match more sophisticated targets (groups of devices), you may need a Roster. Even easier for you probably to provide a Roster file, as you might already have an Ansible inventory file. Simply move/copy your Ansible inventory to /etc/salt/roster, and tell salt-proxy to use it by configuring the proxy_roster option:


proxy_roster: ansible

Should you prefer to store your Ansible inventory under a different path, you can use the roster_file option, e.g.,


proxy_roster: ansible
roster_file: /path/to/ansible/inventory

One particular difference to always remember is that the Ansible Roster / inventory file doesn’t have to provide the connection details, as those are already managed into the Pillar, as detailed previously.

        northeast: ~

When the configuration is correctly setup, you should be able to check the list of devices matched by your target expression (determined via the Roster interface):

$ salt-sproxy '*' --preview-target
- edge1.seattle
- edge1.vancouver
- edge1.atlanta
- edge2.atlanta
- edge1.raleigh
- edge1.sfo

Select devices using their name - shell-like globbing or regular expression, e.g.,

$ salt-sproxy '*.atlanta' --preview-target
- edge1.atlanta
- edge2.atlanta

Or a specific group, as defined in the inventory file, e.g.,

$ salt-sproxy -N southeast --preview-target
- edge1.atlanta
- edge2.atlanta
- edge1.raleigh

More extensive details are documented at:, and configuration examples at For Ansible specifically, you might want to focus on these two sections: and

In this way, you can benefit from Ansible’s simplicity and Salt’s power and flexibility (and ease of extensibility) altogether.

You can similarly load the list of devices / inventory from whatever data source, including JSON / YAML / [you name it] files, HTTP APIs, MySQL / Postgres database, Redis / Consul / MongoDB, and many others, by loading the data through the Pillar: see for more information and examples, as well as

Migrating from Proxy Minions to salt-sproxy

I do not encourage turning off all your Proxies and replacing them with salt-sproxy, however it might make sense to tear down some of them. It probably boils down to how many operations per second you are aiming for. Either way, salt-sproxy can work very well even with devices whose Proxy is already up and running, without any issues. Assuming that your Proxy is properly configured, you should be able to go ahead and execute arbitrary commands immediately, e.g.,

$ salt-sproxy 'arista-switch' ''

The previous command would show the details of the route on the arista-switch which is supposed to be already configured as a Proxy. Confirming that works well, you can go ahead and turn off your Proxy service for arista-switch, and so on.

Why not use both Proxy Minions and salt-sproxy

You can do that too. salt-sproxy has been designed in such a way that if you already have Proxy Minions up and running, you can start using it straight away - as seen in the previous paragraph. If you decide not to turn them off, the CLI option --use-existing-proxy is going to execute the command on the existing Proxy Minions, whenever possible. In case your target is valid and didn’t match an existing Proxy Minion, then salt-sproxy will detect this and will try to execute the Salt function locally.

If you will want to have this as the default behaviour, you can set the following option in the Master config:

use_existing_proxy: true

You can find out more about running mixed environments at

Even-driven automation? Not a problem

Have you raised eyebrows reading this title? If you’re a seasoned Salt user, you might be wondering what does a program that is executed on demand, have anything to do with the event-driven paradigm? Well, you are still going to need a Master running. But now the good news: the master is all you need, which I think is a sufficiently good trade-off to have only one process always running that practically allows you to leverage the entire power of Salt.

The recipe is fairly simple, I see three directions:

  1. Not interested in event-driven automation - use just salt-sproxy.
  2. Interested in event-driven automation, but not in a highly dynamic environment - use salt-sproxy together with a Salt Master.
  3. Interested in event-driven automation, in a highly dynamic environment - use Proxy Minions.

If you’re still here, it means you’re probably curious about (2). As I mentioned already, you are going to need a Salt Master up and running. Using the CLI option --events, salt-sproxy is able to inject events on the Salt bus, which you can then trigger reactions in response to these events, or - why not - export these events as a way to monitor who is executing what. That, for example, is a nice and easy win for compliance and ensuring you have visibility in your network. For example, executing one of the previously used commands, with the --events option:

$ salt-sproxy minion1 --events

Watching the event bus in a separate terminal while running the previous command:

$ salt-run state.event pretty=True

20190604102025230045	{
    "_stamp": "2019-06-04T09:20:25.230783",
    "minions": [
proxy/runner/20190604102025232023/new	{
    "_stamp": "2019-06-04T09:20:25.232688",
    "arg": [],
    "fun": "",
    "jid": "20190604102025232023",
    "minions": [
    "tgt": "minion1",
    "tgt_type": "glob",
    "user": "mircea"
proxy/runner/20190604102025232023/ret/minion1	{
    "_stamp": "2019-06-04T09:20:25.330420",
    "fun": "",
    "fun_args": [],
    "id": "minion1",
    "jid": "20190604102025232023",
    "return": true,
    "success": true

The events pushed on the Salt bus have the same structure as the native Salt execution events, the only difference being that the tag is registered under the proxy/runner namespace vs. salt/job as the usual Salt events. See for further details and examples.

If you would like to have Salt events by default, simply add this line to your Master config:

events: true

With this, enabling an Engine, for instance the http_logstash Engine, on the Master (check out the documentation how to do so), Salt is going to export the selected (or all) events into Logstash which instantly gives you visibility on who, what and when applies a configuration change, or any other command touching your network. Frankly speaking, I don’t think it can’t be any easier than that. :-)

The same goes with any other Salt components watching the event bus: you can forward your events into a database using a Returner, forward execution errors to Sentry using this Returner, or even send SMSs in case of critical events. In all these cases, everything you have to do is providing the configuration as documented. Take a look at the available Returners and Engines. As usually, there are many interfaces natively available, but it is possible that they can’t cover your needs exactly; in that case, it’s very easy to write a Returner or an Engine in your own environment.

But wait: there’s more: it also works the other way around; you can trigger jobs to be executed against network devices, in response to various events. The actual core of salt-sproxy is a Salt Runner named proxy, which is loaded dynamically on run time. With this Runner, you can execute Salt commands on devices, without having Minions.

Let’s take an example from one of my previous posts, Event-driven network automation using napalm-logs and Salt. Take a moment and read, or re-read that post as it’s essential in order to fully understand the following.

One of the Reactor files I exemplified was the following (triggered in response to an interface down event from napalm-logs):


    - tgt: {{ }}
    - kwarg:
        template_name: salt://templates/shut_interface.jinja
        interface_name: {{ data.yang_message.interfaces.interface.keys()[0] }}

This Reactor file can be transformed in the following way, to use execute the commands through the proxy Runner:


    - tgt: {{ }}
    - function: net.load_template
    - kwarg:
        template_name: salt://templates/shut_interface.jinja
        interface_name: {{ data.yang_message.interfaces.interface.keys()[0] }}

As you can notice, the difference is small: becomes runner.proxy.execute_devices which tells the Reactor to invoke the proxy.execute_devices Runner, which in turn executes the net.load_template Salt function against the device(s) from the tgt key. The arguments under kwargs are preserved, with the same effect. The difference is however in the way it works: while previously with the execution is sent to the Minion managing the device, changing to runner.proxy.execute_devices the execution takes place locally. This is practically the main difference between using Proxy Minions and salt-sproxy in this context.

I could expand longer on this, but I’ll probably follow up with a dedicated post if this is not clear and elaborate as much as possible. For now, I hope this brief introduction is intriguing - at least. :-)

Execution over the Salt REST API? Sorted!

Through the same Runner as previously, after enabling the Salt HTTP API (see to learn how to correctly set it up), you should be able to execute, e.g.,

$ curl -sS localhost:8080/run -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
  -d client='runner' \
  -d fun='proxy.execute' \
  -d username='mircea' \
  -d password='pass' \
  -d eauth='pam' \
  -d tgt='minion1' \
  -d function='' \
  -d sync='true'
- minion1: true

Or from Python:

>>> resp ='http://localhost:8080/run', json={
... 'client': 'runner',
... 'fun': 'proxy.execute',
... 'username': 'mircea',
... 'password': 'pass',
... 'eauth': 'pam',
... 'tgt': 'minion1',
... 'function': '',
... 'sync': True})
>>> resp.json()
{u'return': [{u'minion1': True}]}

The examples above are the equivalent of the CLI salt-sproxy minion1 used in the previous examples.

See for more details and usage examples.

Does it work on Windows?

I don’t know. I haven’t tried, as I don’t have a Windows machine available, and, to be fair, I have no idea how to use Python on Windows. But please go ahead and give it a try, then let me know. Normally, if you’re able to install salt from PyPI, salt-sproxy should be usable too - that is my guess, at least.

In the salt-sproxy repository I’ve added a script that should normally facilitate the installation on Unix machines: (and usage details at

If you can, please submit a PR to provide a .bat script or anything that provides the equivalent functionality on Windows - the community would greatly appreciate that. Thanks in advance!


I am super excited to release this project, and I hope it is going to help a lot. Salt is a beautiful tool, but often overlooked due to its high entry barrier and loads of requirements. I believe that salt-sproxy is going to make it much easier for everyone to start automating, while allowing you to enjoy the most beautiful parts in Salt, together with its flexibility, extensibility and tons of features ready to be used, including the REST API and the event-driver methodology. I recommend you to take a look at the Quick Start section of the documentation and convince yourself.

I don’t think the salt-sproxy is meant to replace the existing Proxy Minion- based approach, but rather fill in some gaps where the Proxy Minions fall short, or are a burden to manage. As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, in my opinion, Proxy Minions would always make sense in dynamic environments, or to manage devices susceptible to frequent change. On the long term, I would assume that the winning combination is running both Proxy Minions and salt-sproxy concomitantly, although there may be exceptions. It depends very much on your operations, the network topology, what are your goals and many other aspects on where to draw the line; I think that the rule of thumb here is to evaluate which devices require frequent changes / interaction (for which you would start Proxy processes), and which are more statical (which you’d probably manage using the salt-sproxy).

If you like the project, remember to star it on GitHub: and why not share it with your friends and colleagues. The larger the community, the easier is going to be for every one of us!

I am looking forward to hearing your feedback. I would love to make it easier for everyone to get started to automate, so please help improve the docs or add your usage examples to so other engineers can follow them.